Tuesday, January 31, 2012


    People that write certain articles put lots of work into the research for the article as well as writing the article itself. If no one used citations then credit would not be given where due. If someone is going to work hard enough to create an extensive, credible article they deserve for people to know that we used their work. When looking at our blog specifically, we are trying to show the different research that UNC staff and students are doing. We want our readers to know that what we are saying is credible and that it is happening here in Chapel Hill. Additionally, with citations our readers can follow where our data is coming from and read more into a topic if they are confused about a difficult idea. Additional reading may give readers a place to start if they are still interested in learning more after reading our blog. 

We will use MLA citations for serious scientific articles which we find on databases or on websites which you have to pay to access. We feel like MLA is the most common and traditional citation format. A lot of our readers will be able to understand it because many readers have used it before. This will allow our readers to easily follow our ideas and our argument. Since less formal articles are more clearly accessed by a link, we will not use full MLA for other blog posts and other simple websites. This will allow our readers to pause in our blog if they find an idea interesting and quickly  go read more about it without having to scroll to the bottom and find the work cited page. We also chose to do a less traditional work cited and just list our sources at the end of our article.

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