Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Graffiti Revolution

Basquiat was a heroin addict, dated Madonna, and a best friend of Andy Warhol. Basquiat was an innovative artist who caught people’s attention with his work. Michele Washington in her article “Shaping the Language of Visual Culture” claims that Basquiat’s early graffiti revolutionized the graphical design industry and media today by bringing unknown forms of expression like graffiti and rap into the mainstream which evolved graphical design into the expansive field it is today. 

Washington first claims that graffiti has become extremely influential in today's graphical design culture. She calls modern designers “Basquiat’s Boyz” because they grew up in the hip-hop and graffiti culture of the 80s and 90s. Graffiti spread over the five boroughs of New York following Basquiat’s work and rise in fame. This graffiti influences design students today who take graphical design to learn how how designs are created.

Washington next claims that graffiti has brought in raps influence and other subcultures into design, this outreach has caused design students to look to farther places like filmmaking, fashion, and industrial design for for inspiration. This need for innovation in the design environment has caused design schools like parson school of design to offer new programs on integrated design. People being educated in expanding their design basics proves how much the influence of Basquiat has changed design from its roots.

Washington also claims that graffiti has caused huge changes in media and marketing. She talks about how consumers are bombarded with marketing that takes on a urban approach. This “visual noise” as she describes it, is being used to sell products to young people who are attracted to this strategy. Graffiti even makes its to mainstream media conferences and advertising expos.

Finally, Washington states how influential graffiti can be so influential in politics and social change. Designers feel that graffiti creates more emotion in their work and can influence people to change their ideas. It can especially relate to young people who are interested in hip hop.

In conclusion Washington feels that Basquiat’s early graffiti and his explosion into the mainstream has caused a huge change in the way that media and graffiti operate in today's visual culture.

AUTHOR:Washington, Michele Y.
SOURCE:International Review of African American Art 20 no2 12-15 2005

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